Question and Answer

Q1. What is Prosthodontics?

Ans. Prosthodontics is a dental specialty recognized by the Dental Council of India that deals with cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, maxillofacial prostheses and temporomandibular joint disorders.

Q2. What is a Prosthodontist?

Ans. A Prosthodontist is a dentist who has specialized in treating and handling dental and facial problems that involve restoring missing teeth and structures of the face. A prosthodontist is an expert in cosmetics, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, maxillofacial prostheses and temporomandibular joint pain management.

Q3. Why choose a Prosthodontist?

Ans. Prosthodontists are dental specialists in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Prosthodontists provide an extremely high level of care to patients with missing teeth, or having significant damage to their existing teeth. Prosthodontists work with congenital defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate as well as problems arising from trauma and neoplasms. Prosthodontists are highly trained in restoring optimum function and esthetics using state-of-the-art techniques and procedures.

Q4. When would you need the care of a prosthodontist?

You need the care of a prosthodontist if:

You are missing one or more teeth.

You are interested in dental implants.

You wear dentures or removable partial dentures.

You want to improve the esthetics of your smile.

Q5. What are the various options to replace teeth?

Ans. Prosthodontists offer several options to replace such a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth and gums in the mouth as implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, full dentures, and partial dentures.

Q6.What other ailments are prosthodontists trained to treat?

Ans. Prosthodontists also understand patients’ unique needs such as: • Maxillofacial prosthetic procedures such as oral cancer reconstruction and continuing care • TMD, TMJ or other jaw joint problems • Traumatic injuries • Snoring and sleep disorders • Cleft palate and other congenital conditions that affect the mouth.

Q7. What are the different types of dentures?

Ans. Dentures may replace all the teeth or only some of the teeth. The dentures that replace all the teeth are known as complete dentures and they rest on the gums that cover the jawbones. The stability and retention of these dentures can be improved by attaching them to dental implants. Dentures that replace some but not all of the teeth are known as partial dentures. They attach to the teeth that are still present and also cover and rest on the gums and bone where the teeth are missing. Dental implants can also be used to restore and stabilize partial dentures as well.

Q8. How do I care for my dentures?

Ans. Toothpastes are designed to be used on teeth, but may harm dentures, which are made of a very durable plastic. Even though the plastic is strong, it is not as strong as the enamel of teeth and may be scratched by using toothpaste to clean your dentures. Following is the list of instructions that you will be provided with after Denture delivery:

Q9. What are dental implants?

Ans. A dental implant by itself is not a tooth! A dental implant is a prosthesis. Essentially, it is a small titanium post/fixture that is inserted into the jawbone, on top of which, a single crown (cap), a fixed bridge, a partial denture, or full denture can be attached. Once the implant integrates to your bone, a structure called abutment is connected to the implant and then the artificial tooth/teeth are attached. Therefore, there are 3 parts to an “implant tooth”- the dental implant itself, the abutment, and the artificial tooth.

Q10. Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Ans. Almost anyone who is missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth are candidates. Talk to your prosthodontist for your specific needs.

Q11. What are the advantages of dental implants?

Ans. • Humans are “blessed” with 2 sets of teeth- baby teeth and adult/permanent teeth. When a single permanent tooth or all teeth are lost due to dental decay or gum disease, dental implants can now replace them as the 3rdset of fixed teeth! • Dental implants can last a lifetime and can improve your appearance, your confidence, and your ability to eat the foods you like, and participate in an active lifestyle, without worry about your teeth. • Dental implants are made of titanium and can never get dental decay!

Q11. What are the disadvantages of dental implants?

Ans. Like any minor oral surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, inflammation and pain but your Prosthodontist will discuss how these can be managed for your specific situation. If there is no available bone to place the implant, then bone and gum grafting procedures may be required, that can increase the cost of your treatment. However, the upfront investment can pay off in the long term.

Q12. What is the success of dental implants?

Ans. It varies from individual to individual and with health and habits. For a healthy individual with good oral hygiene and good health, dental implants are predictably successful and survival rates above 90-95 percent are reported.

Q13. Are dental implants removable like regular dentures or do they stay in your mouth?

Ans. No, dental implants are fixed solidly in the bone and allow teeth to be replaced in a manner that is closest to natural teeth.

Q14. How do dental implants help if I have full dentures or partial dentures?

Ans. Actually implants are most popularly used in patients who wear full dentures or partial dentures. Dental implants can be used to provide retention and support for a removable implant overdenture, which basically snaps on the implants like a trailer-hitch! Therefore the partial or full denture does not move and reduces the dependency on denture adhesives/denture glue. OR, dental implants can be used for a Fixed Denture, where a patient’s dentures are fixed/bolted to the implants through titanium components. Only the dentist can remove this from the mouth and not the patient! The patient just takes care of the “fixed teeth” just like natural teeth!

Q15. Improving your smile What is a crown?

Ans. When a tooth exhibits moderate to severe destruction such as a large filling with recurrent decay or extensive wear, a crown, also known as a protective cap, gives you the strength, beauty, translucency, and feel of a natural tooth. Made from a variety of materials, your prosthodontist can help determine the correct crown for your mouth.

Q16. What are veneers?

Ans. Veneers may be an option is you are not happy with the spaces, color or shape of your teeth. Following a slight preparation of the outermost surface of your teeth, a prosthodontist bonds a thin layer of porcelain permanently to the front of your teeth. Veneers may be used to correct minor flaws of individual teeth, but often are used on multiple teeth to create a uniform smile.

Q17. What does full mouth rehabilitation mean?

Ans. In general, any dental treatment that affects all teeth in the mouth is called full mouth reconstruction or full mouth rehabilitation. Prosthodontists are the recognized experts in such treatments. The treatments can range from crowns, bridges, implants, and dentures that will essentially provide a “smile makeover” for the patient. You may want to seek the care of a prosthodontist for your specific needs.