Right Submandibular Gland Sialography

Patient complains of swelling in relation to right lower back region of floor of mouth for last 1 month. Intraoral examination revealed healthy teeth and periodontium. Right submandibular gland region was tender on palpation.

Scientific presentation by Post graduate Students in Interdepartmental meeting

Dr Adrita Nag (2nd year PG) and Dr Ankur Bhagat (2nd year PG) presented a scientific presentation titled “Facial dystonia’s simplified! A common approach to an uncommon disease” in interdepartmental meeting held in Medical College Auditorium, SGT University on 26th February, 2016.

Special case : Hemi-Facial Microsomia

Patient reported to the department with complaint of difficulty in eating food due to irregularly arranged teeth.
Extra-oral examination revealed prominent forehead, receded hairline, right ear smaller in size (microtia), malformed with a roughly oval shape and 3-4 blind fistulas overlying the ear (atresia).

Special case

Special case – Arterio-venous malformation involving left lower back maxillofacial region Dome shaped, solitary swelling present in the lower left back region of the face, reddish in color, measuring approximately 4 x 2cm in dimension, firm in consistency and pulsatile on palpation.

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

Toludine Blue Staining

Cleidocranial Dysplasia